Unity Internal Marketplace for Interdealer/Agency Brokers
Our Unity platform is a revolutionary approach to creating an internal marketplace incorporating all aspect of sales, brokerage, operations and compliance. Unity replaces the existing jumble of chatrooms, spreadsheets and manual processes, immediately improving efficiency, transparency and scalability, reducing errors, and automating workflows all while reducing cost. All delivered with minimal tech resources on the client side – all we need is a couple of customer/coverage mapping tables (always anonymized – no sensitive information ever leaves your platform) and we do the rest.

Easy natural language processing order entry – just copy and paste directly from your chats. Seamlessly incorporate entering from a form. Integrated pricer that shows your brokers markets and analytics.

A live real-time board that allows for all of your brokers and managers to see all initiated orders and responses in a truly structured format while retaining the ease of a chatroom, continuously respond and create a true internal market, integrate across multiple offices and remote locations without any lag or loss of information and audit trails that capture every user action.

Not just for options – can adapt to different product asset classes and regions that have specific terminology, nomenclature, pricing conventions. Flexibility and speed of execution is built into the platform. Options, Revcons, Stocks, ETFs, Indices in the US today and other asset classes and regions coming soon!

Easy, intuitive and fast entry system for getting all fills and executions in one central location. Improve dramatically the scalability of your execution team while reducing errors, increasing consistency and improving client communication. Generate confirms of all types at a click – no more cutting and pasting from spreadsheets or manual operations.

Generate compliance reports directly from the meticulously maintained audit trails of every action taken in Unity. Customize and integrate based on your needs.